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Development Level Title Description
Early Health Equity Bank of Job Applicant Interview Questions List of health equity interview questions that can be asked for any position and desired skills and abilities to look for in a candidate.
Early Committing to Building and Retaining a Diverse and Inclusive Workforce to Improve Health Equity Rural Health Information Hub mentions some workforce recruitment and retention strategies to support a diverse workforce. The website also includes examples of rural communities building diverse and inclusive workforces. Rural Resource
Early CDPH HRD Recruitment and Hiring Tips and Tricks The California Department of Public Health (CDPH), Human Resources Division (HRD) shares recruitment and hiring tips and tricks with an equity & diversity inclusive lens. This document includes information on crafting job descriptions, developing equity, diversity, and inclusive statements, and creative ways to promote job listings.
Development Level Title Description
Early Public Health Alliance - Health Equity Coordinator Job Description An example of a Health Equity Coordinator job description from the Public Health Alliance of Southern California.
Early Santa Barbara Health Equity Coordinator Job Description An example of a Health Equity Coordinator job description from Santa Barbara County.
Established CDPH Office of Health Equity - Equity Officer Sample Duty Statements The CDPH Equity Technical Assistance (TA) Team created sample duty statements for different Equity Officer levels such as leadership, management, and coordinators. Additionally, this document includes links to Equity Officer job posting examples from various LHJs.
Development Level Title Description
Early Power-building Partnerships for Health: Lessons from Santa Barbara About Building Power to Protect Farmworker Health and Advance Health Equity This article highlights the importance of relationship building within Power-Building Partnerships for Health (PPH) and discusses Santa Barbara County Public Health Department’s collaboration with two community organizing groups.
Established 2-1-1 San Diego - Connecting Partners through the Community Information Exchang Developed by 2-1-1 San Diego, this case study highlights the Community Information Exchange (CIE) data platform, which enables health and social services to obtain a better understanding of interactions across systems, agencies, and community services.
Development Level Title Description
Early Joint Organizational Commitment to Anti-Racism and Racial Equit The Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP), along with other public health organizations, commit to anti-racism and racial equity by publishing a joint organizational commitment statement. This document includes the purpose of addressing anti-racism, the agreed upon foundations of the approach to anti-racism and racial equity, and the commitments with specific activities on how to move forward.
Early Health Equity Team 2021 Year in Review This document is an end of the year equity celebration from Winnebago County, Wisconsin. The publicly posted review summarizes the health department’s mission statement, equity team accomplishments, equity internal infrastructure, community equity projects that the health department took part in, and goals for the next year. This is a great example that showcases commitment to equity and transparency.
Established Dane County Equity and Inclusion Plan As a show of commitment to equity, Dane County, WI compiles an equity and inclusion plan that details their organizational commitments, leadership development, program innovation, and resource mobilization. The guide states what county employees want to do in the future, a timeline for implementation, specific steps they will take, and a cost/benefit analysis of the actions.
Established Saint Paul- Ramsey County Public Health Health Equity Plan 2016-201 This health equity plan for Saint Paul- Ramsey County, MN discusses concrete equity activities for staff, supervisors, and leadership. The plan also comprehensively discusses internal capacity for equity, resources available for the county to integrate equity, sustainability of equity efforts (including career pipelines), and external equity efforts. Additionally, the plan presents the county’s health equity lens with instructions for those interested in using it in their departments, and their approach to Health in All Policies.
Established National Association of Counties: County Declarations and Resources on Racis The National Association of Counties lists real-world examples of declarations of racism as a public health crisis. This resource includes 12 examples from California counties that have made declarations, as well as declarations from many other states.
Established Hennepin County Health Equity Assessmen The health department in Hennepin County, MN presents their adaptation of BARHII's equity assessment into a shorter (10-15 min) and more specific survey to be completed by individual staff members. The survey covers priority areas for staff capacity, strengths and challenges for the department, and overall capacity and desire to address the root causes of health inequity. Hennepin County also did a follow-up survey after one year.
Strong National League of Cities: Repository of City Racial Equity Policies and Decisions The National League of Cities lists real- world examples of policy changes taken in order to advance equity. California is greatly highlighted in this list, with examples from Oakland, San Francisco, Sacramento, Eureka, and San Gabriel, among others across the United States.
Strong City of Ottawa Equity and Inclusion Lens Handbook 2018 Presented by the City of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, this guide takes an in-depth look at disproportionately affected populations in the community, analyzing the backgrounds of these populations and common inequities and barriers experienced by them. A vision statement is included for these groups, as well as descriptions of actions currently taking place to improve equitable outcomes for the populations.
Strong Human Impact Partners: An Equity Lens Tool for Health Departments The Human Impact Partners’ equity lens for health departments is a comprehensive guide on how to apply an equity lens to organizational programs and policies. The guide has many sections that allow organizations to review and reflect on the impacts of their programs and how different disproportionately affected populations can benefit from equitable approaches.
Strong City of Madison Racial Equity and Social Justice Tool The City of Madison, WI presents a health impact assessment-style toolkit that digs deep into organizational policies and projects and finds opportunities to integrate health equity and racial justice. Focusing on who, what, when, where, why, and how, the tool allows you to separate out the populations that may benefit or be negatively impacted by a new project. The tool is presented in two forms depending on the capacity of the organization: a fast-tracked tool and a more comprehensive school.
Development Level Title Description
Early Health Equity Guide: Case Study Rhode Island Braids Funding to Create Health Equity Zone To address the social determinants of health, leaders of the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) utilized multiple sources of funding to establish “Health Equity Zones.” This case study highlights the ways in which RIDOH leaders increased access to funding and resources to its community partners to enhance population health outcomes.
Established San Mateo County Funds Community Implementation Projects to Advance Equity This case study highlights the Community Implementation Fund developed by the San Mateo County’s Health Policy and Planning Program (HPPP), which recognizes the active leading role of nonprofit organizations in addressing the social determinants of health. Through the Community Implementation Fund, funding priorities are redirected to more policy- oriented projects that improve overall community health outcomes and address inequities within the social determinants of health including housing, education, economics, and neighborhood conditions.
Established Solano County Leverages Internal Champions and External Experts to Advance Equit This case study highlights best practices for utilizing existing resources to build internal capacity to advance equity through three partnerships between Solano County Public Health and GARE, Human Impact Partners, and the National Organization of Urban Maternal and Child Health Leaders (CityMatCH).
Development Level Title Description
Early Change Internal Practices & Processes As part of Human Impact Partners' Health Equity Guide, the Change Internal Practices and Processes strategy addresses how to change internal practices and align internal processes to advance equity. Difficult work must be done to reveal how current policies and practices support or impede equity, and barriers must be removed to advance equity work.
Early Health Equity Guide - Additional Resources This is a suite of resources intended to help health departments change internal practices and processes. Resources include Contracting for Equity, Developing an Equity Impact Statement, Equitable Hiring Handbook, and more.
Strong Santa Clara Develops Infrastructure to Address Racial & Health Equity Example A case study examining how Santa Clara County Public Health Department in California is developing internal infrastructure to advance racial and health equity. Strategies include developing racial and health equity committees and workgroups, developing equity trainings for staff, and engaging community partners wherever possible. The outcomes and impacts of their work are also discussed.
Development Level Title Description
Early County Health Rankings & Roadmaps This website can serve as a resource or example of the type of data that can be collected for all counties. It doesn’t, however, address the barriers of collecting certain demographic data in smaller counties.
Established Oakland Equity Indicators - Measuring Change Toward Greater Equity in Oakland This Oakland Equity Indicators Report is an example of the type of analyses that can be developed after going through the data collection process. The city of Oakland showcases a quantitative framework for city staff and community members to understand the impacts of race, measure inequities, and track changes in disparities over time.
Development Level Title Description
Established King County Affinity Groups This example shows the Affinity Groups for the county staff in King County, Washington. This page lists the different groups, as well as mission and purpose statements. Forming affinity groups is a way to support diversity within your organization.
Established Nantucket Health and Human Services Department Workforce Development Plan This Workforce Development Plan from Nantucket, Massachusetts goes into topics broader than equity, but provides a great example of how to integrate diversity and equity priorities in workforce development. It also explores an equity needs assessment and equity training plans within its development plan.
Strong King County Racial Equity Caucusing Report, 2019 This is a summary of the Washington Department of Health affinity group project, including the purpose and mission of the groups, questions posed to each affinity group about their experiences, feedback from the groups, and how the initiative will impact the organizational anti-racism goals.
Development Level Title Description
Established Mobilize Data, Research, & Evaluation Case Studies from HealthEquityGuide.org This website showcases case studies of health departments that successfully mobilize data, conduct research, and develop evaluations within their departments and communities. There are case studies in all levels of our early, established, and strong spectrum, each with a description of factors that enabled the work, their impacts, and advice to replicate successful efforts. It includes five case studies from California LHJs.
Development Level Title Description
Strong Supporting Safe and Affordable Housing in Alameda County, CA The Alameda County Public Health Department serves as an example for how to work across sectors (e.g., housing) in order to advance population health.
Development Level Title Description
Strong Alameda County Advances Equitable Housing Policies This resource describes in detail how the Alameda County Public Health Department created housing policy change in order to advance health equity. The Alameda County Housing Workgroup is comprised of residents, community organizers and other stakeholders seeking to address housing inequities.