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Development Level Title Description
Early Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy - SHRM This Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy template from The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is a great template for organizations to use and modify to fit their needs.
Development Level Title Description
Early Partnership Assessment Tool for Health (PATH) This fillable tool is intended for community-based organizations (CBOs) and healthcare organizations engaged in partnerships to provide services to populations in need. The tool includes a partnership questionnaire and discussion guide to facilitate future meetings.
Early PATH Addendum This tool is an addendum to PATH that allows for CBOs and healthcare organizations to identify benchmark characteristics within partnerships that advance health equity.
Early Preparing for Successful Public Meetings: Checklist for Before, During, and After This tool provides a short, accessible checklist for preparing successful public meetings with communities and partners.
Established Value Proposition Tool: Articulating Value within Community- Based and Healthcare Organizations Partnerships This tool is intended for CBOs and healthcare organizations looking to form a new partnership or seeking clarification on the value of an existing partnership. For those considering a new partnership, this tool can help unite common objectives and determine the overall value of a partnership.
Established Estimating the Total Cost of Partnership This Excel spreadsheet can assist organizations to estimate the overall cost of a partnership for up to three years. It identifies the resources required to prioritize crucial decisions, consult with stakeholders, advocate for additional funding and maintain focus on the shared objectives.
Development Level Title Description
Early Community Engagement & Participation Checklist Developed by PolicyLink, this outline identifies important components of an authentic and participatory community engagement process. Characteristics of participatory community change include trust, shared vision, partnerships with public agencies, capacity, and policy action.
Early Community Engagement Assessment Tool This Community Engagement Assessment Tool serves as a guide to help grow an organization’s understanding of community engagement and define its intentions. Organizations can use this tool with staff and external partners to assess strengths and gaps.
Early Community Engagement Toolkit This toolkit shares a series of tools for the development of an equitable and strategic community engagement plan. It includes tools for exploring areas in the spectrum of community engagement, asset-based community development, and capacity building.
Development Level Title Description
Early Collaborative Health-A Health in All Policies Presentation This customizable PowerPoint template helps to build support for Health in All Policies (HiAP). The package for this resource also includes a guide on how to support HiAP initiatives in government, which is a companion to the template. It is recommended that organizations review both before giving the presentation to internal or external partners.
Early Partnership Agreement Template This customizable template helps partners think through their common purpose, roles, responsibilities, activities, and desired outcomes. It also provides recommendations for each section of the partnership agreement.
Development Level Title Description
Early Santa Clara County Public health : Budget Equity Assessment Tool This resource, developed by Santa Clara County Public Health, is an example of a racial equity tool that is intended to put out a procedure and a series of inquiries for determining how budget proposals will help or hurt communities, particularly those of color.
Development Level Title Description
Early State Health Department Organizational Self-Assessment for Achieving Health Equity: Toolkit and Guide to Implementation The State Health Department Organizational Self-Assessment for Achieving Health Equity: (Self-Assessment) can help health departments establish a baseline measure of capacity and areas for improvement to incorporate equity. This Self-Assessment is designed to help guide strategic planning and organizational development, as well as initiate conversations around equity.
Development Level Title Description
Early Nexus Community Partners: Community Engagement Assessment Tool This tool allows organizations to reflect on their community engagement techniques. It presents methods in a variety of ways, including assessment of potential partnerships, and identification of strengths and limitations.
Early Three Dimensions of Power: Building a Multi-dimensional Approach to Power This worksheet helps LHJs assess their current approach to building power. It is based on the three dimensions of power: organizing people for direct political action, building organizational infrastructure and reshaping worldviews and ideologies.
Development Level Title Description
Established Health Equity & Social Justice in Public Health : A Dialogue Based Assessment Tool This resource is a dialogue-based internal needs assessment about organizational health equity developed by the Michigan Public Health Institute (MPHI). The assessment focuses on four categories: Leadership, Workforce, Community, and Systems Change. Similar to CDPH’s Baseline Organizational Assessment for Equity Infrastructure, the assessment allows for conversations about health equity within the organization and gives staff a chance to express opinions on organizational commitment to equity.
Established Moving to Institutional Equity: A Tool to Address Racial Equity for Public Health Practitioners This tool guides organizations on how to address racial equity in public health organizations. It includes a process to determine if your organization is ready to address racial equity that consists of a checklist of starting conversation points, such as, "are you doing this for the right reasons, or have you already had initial equity talks?” The tool also helps with decision points and feasibility of anti-racist policies.
Established Baseline Organizational Assessment for Equity Infrastructure Developed by the CDPH Equity Technical Assistance Team, the Baseline Organizational Assessment for Equity Infrastructure is a tool that can be used by organizations to assess their level of internal equity infrastructure via twelve different competencies encompassed in four domains. In addition to the assessment, the link includes definitions of the competencies, frequently asked questions, and a results report from the debut of the assessment in May 2022.
Strong City of Saint Paul Racial Equity Assessment Toolki The City of St. Paul presents a racial equity focused assessment in order to determine the future impact of developing policies and programs on different populations of color. The assessment includes a PowerPoint slide training deck to guide users through the tool.
Strong Health Equity at Work: Skills Assessment of Public Health Staff This report provides sample survey templates (in the appendix) on how to assess equity knowledge of organizational staff. This resource has results from the survey and the sample survey itself to use as a template, including a script from focus groups.
Strong BARHII Organizational Self-Assessment Toolkit BARHII presents an organizational self- assessment tool specifically aimed at helping local health jurisdictions identify their baseline capacity for health equity work. The assessment contains surveys for staff and external stakeholders of the organization, as well as focus and interview guides to help facilitate conversations. The package also consists of equity- focused review guides for pre-existing documents and human resources data systems in order to address health equity in past and future programs.